A podcast created to spread a culture of innovation in Switzerland, seeking to inspire Swiss Travel & Hospitality professionals in shaping the digital transformation of the sector.
Thanks to the Flagship, we believe that we have the tools and means to build a digital community in the travel & tourism industry.
This podcast is the first building block to bring the community around the same table, interviewing industry experts and professionals that share their success stories in innovation, digitization and datafication of the sector.
In conformity with Switzerland's multicultural identity, Season 1 is presented in four different languages (French, English, German, Italian).

Season 1
Unlocking Success in Small Tourism Businesses: The Revenue Management Approach Beyond Airlines and Hotels - Dr. Cindy Heo
Dr Cindy Heo is an Associate Professor of Revenue Management at the EHL Hospitality Business School. Prior to joining EHL, she taught revenue management course at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and has delivered custom executive education programs on revenue management in Asia, Middle East, and Europe. Her scholarly research and industry consulting focus on the core strategic elements of revenue management, pricing and sharing economy. Prior to joining academia, she had extensive industry experience in the hospitality and tourism fields.
Agieren statt Reagieren: Daten und Technologie für ein besseres Besuchererlebnis nutzen (Erfolgsgeschichten von Saas-Fee) - Mattia Storni (Saastal Tourismus)
Mattia Storni is Head of Marketing, Communication and Product Development at Saas-Fee Saastal Tourismus. In this episode, he presents two interesting projects in which he has been part of in Saas-Fee. One project is about Data Forecasting through Data Analytics, and the other one is about a project involving a luggage transport robot in collaboration with Post Auto AG and the municipality of Saas-Fee.
Travailler ensemble vers la digitalisation pour mutualiser nos ressources - Dr. Roland Schegg (HES-SO Valais)
Dr. Roland Schegg is a professor at the Institute of Tourism, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland Valais (HES-SO Valais) since 2005. Between 2000 and 2004 he was working with the EHL as a professor and researcher. His research interests are in the field of eTourism (online distribution, eService metrics, technology adoption, web 2.0 and mobile technologies in tourism). He has been involved in applied research into the tourism sector for 20 years and is part of the project managers of the Flagship Resilient Tourism.
In this episode, Roland Schegg shares his recommendations on digitizing the travel sector, as well as his experience with digital tourism as a specialized professor at HES-SO Valais. As explained in the episode, the most important recommendation that Roland has shared is to work together, learn from the others and collaborate with other stakeholders from the Swiss travel sector, so that a sustainable digital eco-system can be built in the country.
Aufbau einer gemeinsamen Dateninfrastruktur für den Tourismus: Herausforderungen und Chancen - André Golliez (HSLU & Open Data Consultant)
André Golliez is a lecturer at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, and a consultant in the area of open data, data sharing, and data value creation. He founded the association and is involved in data policy issues and the use of open data, as well as the Resilient Tourism Flagship project. In this episode, he talks about his involvement in digitalization in tourism and the development of a common data and content hub in the Lucerne and Lake Lucerne Region.
Settore degli eventi: Un approccio innovativo ai modelli di servizio e al cambiamento tecnologico - Simona Gamba (Locarno Film Festival)
Simona Gamba is Deputy COO and Chief Innovation Officer at Locarno Film Festival. In this episode, she discusses her role in innovation for the festival and how she is working to improve its service model and customer experience. She has been investigating the needs of users and the impact of new technologies on the festival, as well as adjusting the technology infrastructure to improve digital touchpoints and collect data. She gives the example of the ticketing project, which was outdated and not user-friendly, and how they are using new technology to improve it and collect data.
Wie kleine Hotels die Digitalisierung in ihrem Betrieb umsetzen können? - Sebastian Schmid (Hotel Glocke)
Sebastian Schmid ist der Gastgeber des Hotels Glocke, das er und seine Frau in zweiter Generation führen. Die Glocke liegt im Herzen des Goms, am oberen Ende des Kantons Wallis. In dieser Folge stellt Sebastian Schmid einige der digitalen Tools und Technologien vor, die in seinem kleinen Familienhotel zum Einsatz kommen.
Les enjeux des offices de tourisme en matière de données - Maxime Gervasi et Guillaume Olsommer (BeMobile)
Maxime Gervasi, co-fondateur de Mayko, et Guillaume Olsommer, fondateur de Simoïs Consulting, accompagnent tous les deux différents acteurs touristiques dans la réalisation de leurs projets. Ensemble, ils ont créé la plateforme BeMobile qui rassemble un grand volume de données d'une destination pour garantir une expérience de qualité aux visiteurs.
Der Treffpunkt von Daten und Nachhaltigkeit - Dr. Matthias Fuchs (EHL)
Dr. Matthias Fuchs is an Assistant Professor of Marketing and the Director of the Institute for Customer Experience Management at EHL Hospitality Business School in Lausanne. His research focuses on digital and sustainable consumption. In this episode, Matthias talks about one problem related to sustainable tourism in Switzerland.
Mieux connaître ses clients et améliorer la durabilité grâce à la data - Emmanuelle Rose (Lausanne Tourisme)
Emmanuelle Rose est responsable du département communication et digital de l'office du tourisme de Lausanne. Tout au long de sa carrière, Emmanuelle a travaillé dans le secteur du numérique : Moteur de recherche Lycos dans les années 2000, Voyages SNCF, et enfin arrivée à Lausanne en tant que responsable web. Elle y a créé l'actuel service numérique de l'office de tourisme.
Hôtellerie et restauration: la technologie pour tirer parti des opportunités de marché - Christopher Meignier (BLENT)
Christopher Meignier est le CEO et co-fondateur de BLENT, une société suisse de Business Intelligence créée en 2019 qui réalise des tableaux de bord et des rapports mis à jour en temps réels pour les chaînes d’hôtels et de restaurants.
Informationen aus Daten gewinnen, um die Buchungsprozesse von Hotels zu optimieren - Elisha Schoppig (Hotel-Spider)
Elisha Schoppig is Operations Manger at Hotel-Spider. The Swiss company, headquartered in Nyon, develops IT solutions for hotels.
In this episode, Elisha talks about the common digital challenges hotels face in their booking processes, and discusses how to address them.
Regolamentazione del mercato, pianificazione strategica, controllo dei dati e dei flussi - Luca Preto (Ticino Turismo)
Luca Preto is Head of Digital at Ticino Turismo, the regional tourism office that aims to promote and develop the tourism strategy of the canton.
In this episode, Luca Preto presents two concrete examples of digital transformation of Ticino Turismo's operations. One of them serves a market regulation purpose and administrative responsibilities, while the other example illustrates how much data can be taken out and leveraged from the Ticino Ticket, a travel ticket delivered to overnight visitors which allows to use public transportation for free and access to many regional discounts.
Exploiter les données pour optimiser la gestion d'un patrimoine et la création de valeur - Vincent Bailly (Association Lavaux Patrimoine mondial)
Vincent Bailly est le directeur de l'Association Lavaux Patrimoine mondial, une entité qui est en charge de la gestion du site Lavaux, vignoble en terrasses inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO depuis 2007. Dans cet épisode, Vincent Bailly explique comment la valorisation des données permettra de suivre les flux de visiteurs et d'améliorer leur expérience après les avoir interprétées de manière pertinente avec l'aide de différents instituts de recherche.
Better Communication and Information Flow for Operational Efficiency and Service Excellence - Julia Geffers (Hoxell)
Julia Geffers is the CEO of Hoxell, a Swiss company based in Lugano that provides an integrated software hospitality platform which facilitates the interaction with guests and connects the different departments within accommodation facilities in real time. In this episode, Julia shares her passion for hospitality and underlines the importance of using technology to enhance communication and information flow among employees and customers.